
What are the benefits of living near the coast what are the

1.What weathering processes are you aware of - either at your home or in the region of theuniversity college?

2. Rivers are fragile ecosystems. Pollution at one point is transported hundreds - eventhousands - of kilometres downstream. As you consider the Fraser River (or another stream youare familiar with), how can pollution be more effectively controlled?

3. What are the benefits of living near the coast? What are the challenges? Would you ratherlive inland or on the coast? Why?

4. Arctic and high alpine environments are among the most vulnerable regions for climatechange. Glaciers are retreating throughout alpine areas. Permafrost regions are melting moreeach decade. Sea levels are rising as continental ice melts. That is incontrovertible. What will bethe consequences of this for natural systems and for people living in these regions? What aresome of potential social and cultural consequences of climate change in periglacialenvironments? What are some of the consequences of this globally?

5. As you think about soil, how do you experience soil in your daily life? What are some of thepractical ways in which soil influences your life?6. Watch the two youtube videos with Dr. Jennifer Wiseman (BSc from MIT, Ph.D. in Astronomyfrom Harvard).

She is currently a Senior Astrophysicist at the NASA Goddard Space FlightCenter (Director of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope Programme), where she previously headedthe Laboratory for Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics.

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Dissertation: What are the benefits of living near the coast what are the
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