
What are the benefits of idirect marketing

Research Paper


Stone, B., & Jacobs, R. (2008). Successful direct marketing methods: Interactive, database, and customer-based marketing for digital age, eighth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

iDirect marketing also applies to business-to-business (B-to-B) marketing. Select an example of B-to-B marketing in the private sector. (You may not use sales-to-government marketing, since that is usually done by bidding.) Examples of B-toB marketing include sales of office furniture to a business, a convention center marketing meeting space for business meetings, sales of copy machines to a business, sales of building materials to a home builder, or sales of fuel to a delivery company.

You may use one of these examples, or select your own. Identify the business you have selected and what it will market to other businesses.

Make sure you address the following points in your research paper:

• What are the benefits of iDirect marketing for both the buyer and the seller?

• How would the business you chose have directly marketed its product or service ten years ago?

• Describe in detail how iDirect B-to-B marketing would be different today.

• How would the B-to-B marketing be different from iDirect marketing to consumers?

Prepare a well-organized and thoughtful three- to four-page research paper using a minimum of three sources. Neither the title page nor the references page is included in the required paper length. The APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and referencing sources are to be followed. Your sources may include books, professional journals, and Internet sources.

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Marketing Management: What are the benefits of idirect marketing
Reference No:- TGS01765282

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