
What are the benefits of having leadership on a team


Imagine you are a non-profit organization designed to help provide unemployed individuals with job readiness programs for re-entering the workforce or for individuals searching for a new career. The organization offers resume writing workshops, computer skills training, networking opportunities, and interviewing tips.

You are the CEO of Imagine

You. You are currently meeting with three company volunteers to brainstorm ideas for the annual fundraiser campaign. Your role is to gather information and observe the professional conduct of each team member. Each member has a different level of experience. The team members:

1) Jim

a) Ten years of service.
b) Extensive community knowledge.
c) Strong history of grant writing for organizations.
d) Occupation: Project manager for a large corporation.

2) Nan

a) Four years of service.
b) Community resident for twelve years.
c) Extensive volunteer work but has never participated in planning and organizing a fundraising event at

3) Imagine You.

a) Occupation: Graphic designer for a public relations firm

4) Laura

a) Two months of service.
b) Community resident for six months.
c) Occupation: Human resources manager for a small family-owned company.

Jim: (Stands up and faces the group. He clears his throat and begins speaking in a loud and direct tone.)

"We need to come up with ideas for the spring fundraiser event. I propose that we do dinner and silent auction. In the past, this type of event has been successful.

Since we only have until the end of the week to reach a decision, I suggest that we settle this quickly"

Jim pauses and looks at the group. He begins walking around the room making direct eye contact with the individual group members.

Laura: (With a serious face)

"We should look to local businesses for donations for a food drive. Asking people to attend a dinner may be too costly. Plus Imagine You has a mission for providing the unemployed with job training, and we can make great connections with the local businesses."
"Maybe these connections could also turn into employment opportunities."

CEO: (Speaks in a positive tone)

"I agree. The businesses are likely to donate items, and that way we're not asking people for money."

Jim: (Shaking his head in disagreement he sighs)

"The donations are a good idea, but we still need financing for the organization.

This organization needs funds to purchase computers and other equipment."

Laura: (A smile comes over her face and in an energetic voice she begins speaking)
"Maybe we can combine both ideas. Ask for business donations, but have a fundraising dinner and silent auction as well."

Nan: (Scowls and takes a deep sigh)

"That seems like too much. We should just collect donations. Maybe ask for computers for Imagine You as well."

Jim: (Sitting down, he smiles) "Why don't we do both?"

Nan: (An angry look comes over her face and in disgruntled tone she speaks) 'That will never work!"

Nan walks out of the room.

You have reached the end of this scenario

1. Evaluate three issues faced in the panel discussion presented in the scenario?

2. What are effective and ineffective characteristics of team behaviors in the observed scenario?

3. How effectively did this team work together?

4. What five suggestions do you have for the team to engage in professionalism?

5. In the observed situation, who do you feel should take leadership? Why?

6. What are the benefits of having leadership on a team?

7. What are the concerns of having leadership on a team?

8. In this situation, what would you do to lead the team?

9. What five strategies do you have for productivity when working in teams?

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Business Management: What are the benefits of having leadership on a team
Reference No:- TGS03354157

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