
What are the beliefs of beginning teachers


Thoroughly respond to each of the short answer questions based on information from the course text, videos, and discussions.

Question I

According to course material, what are the beliefs of beginning teachers with respect to how effective they will be when they begin teaching. Why is examining this belief important?

Question II

Describe four common challenges you're likely to face as a first-year teacher.

Which concerns you most?

Question III

Even though teaching is a remarkably rewarding career, there is a type of "drop-out" rate in the profession.

i. According to the text approximately how many new teachers leave by the end of the second year of teaching?
ii. How might effective induction and mentoring programs significantly reduce the failure rate for beginning teachers?
iii. What are the elements of induction?

Question IV

Many school leaders are encouraging the recruitment of cultural minorities into the teaching force.

i. Briefly list and explain three reasons that they give for encouraging these efforts.

Question V

As all seasoned teachers know, a great school year begins with a great first day.

What elements will you want to include on the first day of school to get off to a good start?

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Other Subject: What are the beliefs of beginning teachers
Reference No:- TGS03219619

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