
What are the basic limitations of a break-even analysis


Final Examination

Part A: Answer each of the following questions in a paragraph of 15-20 sentences. Each answer is worth 20 points.

1. List and explain the steps in the business-to-business buying process.

2. Identify and describe three common governmental/political actions that significantly influence a firm's ability to sell goods and services in

a global marketplace.

3. Explain how marketers can extend a product's life cycle.

Part B: Answer each of the following items in two or three sentences. Each response is worth four points.

1. Why is it more challenging for a marketer to be part of a market characterized by monopolistic competition than be part of one characterized by pure competition?

2. Walt Disney Company recently announced it would no longer allow its characters to be used in promoting unhealthy foods. In branding strategy, what does this change? From both ethical and marketing perspectives, does this change make sense?

3. What is the difference between focus group research and test marketing?

4. As a channel, stores offer traditional and significant advantages for a number of customers. What are the main benefits provided by stores, and how might a store capitalize on those benefits?

5. What is The difference between franchises, strategic alliances, and joint ventures in glObal marketing?

6. How can marketers apply insights gained through electronic channels to formats that are more traditional?

7. What is the difference in attitudes between the production era prior to the 1920s and the value-based marketing era of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries?

8. What are the three basic limitations of a break-even analysis?

9. What are the differences between business-to-business marketing and the business¬to-consumer marketing?

10. What advantages and do syndicated data services provide relative to marketers conducting primary research to address their research needs? What are the disadvantages associated with using syndicated data services?

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Marketing Management: What are the basic limitations of a break-even analysis
Reference No:- TGS01779061

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