
What are the arguments for changing the way we think about

Each question should be done on a separate word document, with references.

Question 1

Revelations about the collection of vast amounts of data on telephone and computer use by the National Security Agency (NSA) have raised concerns about the threat to privacy.

At the same time, many private companies collect extensive information on computer users. Read Craig Mundie (2014) "Privacy pragmatism: A (focus on data use, not data collection site.." (right-click to open in new window)Â Foreign Affairs, Mar.-Apr. 2014.

Retrieved from Columbia College online library, Global Issues in Context database. Look for a copy in Files

Also, take a look at this one page brief by the National Review on the unmasking of U.S. Citizens.

Does this review give you a reason for heartburn over not just the unmasking, but then leaking to the press? Click on the National Review link or see in course materials Unit 4. For background on the legal requirements of NSA unmasking and the 702 warrants see Hirsch and Maxey (March 24, 2017).

What are the arguments for changing the way we think about privacy in the modern world?

What concerns do you have about the extent to which government and corporations store and use information collected from citizens to spy on those same citizens? What benefits do you see?


Hirsch, S. and Maxey, L., (March 24, 2017). "Unmasking of U.S. Citizens in NSA Intercepts," The Cipher Brief.

Question 2

Watch the Frontline episode "Top Secret America: 9/11 to the Boston Bombings" that recounts a history of American intelligence efforts since 9/11.

The program touches on many highly controversial intelligence issues including the justification for the Iraq War, the use of rendition and torture to gather intelligence, the use of drone weapons, broad surveillance of telephone and computer communications, widespread use of license plate and facial recognition technology, and camera surveillance. There has been a substantial investment in intelligence capabilities to conduct the War on Terror and prevent terrorist attacks. Is this effort relevant today?

Please address the following questions with brief answers (about 150 to 200 words):

Write using third person perspective

Justify using authoritative sources (peer review journals, published sources, FBI, etc.)

What questions does "Top Secret America" raise about U.S. intelligence gathering?

Is the gathering of intelligence infringing on civil liberties? Justify your answer.

Is the intelligence effort making America safe? Justify your answer.

Are these efforts relevant today?


Frontline (2013). Top Secret America: 9/11 to the Boston Bombings . Retrieved from Background reading

Oliver, W.M., Marion, N.E., & Hill, J.B. (2015). Introduction to Homeland Security. MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Chapter 13, pp 243 - 258 and Chapter 15, 277 - 290.

Question 3

For over a decade, drone aircraft, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), have been effectively used by the U.S. military for intelligence gathering, reconnaissance, target surveillance and application of deadly force.

Recent legislation, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, will allow drones to fly in American airspace starting in 2015. Technological advances make it possible for these aircraft to be used for many civilian and governmental applications in American skies.

Drones can be used for agricultural and industrial purposes, mapping and remote sensing, and for governmental purposes including search and rescue, surveillance, law enforcement and homeland security purposes. Recently, the Department of Homeland Security revealed that ISIS may be seeking the capability to mount dirty bombs on drones.

First, to add context to our study on the use of Drones in America, read the news article titled "Something Else to worry about: ISIS mounting dirty bombs on dronesPreview the documentView in a new window" (Johnson, September 7, 2017). Then go to the Columbia College Library website and access the Opposing Viewpoints in Context webpage. Search for "drones." Read the topic introduction on "drones" then select two papers that reflect different viewpoints on the use of drones in American skies. To troubleshoot access to Opposing Viewsclick herePreview the documentView in a new window.

In a few paragraphs, summarize the arguments presented in each article on the advantages and disadvantages of drones. Draw conclusions regarding the use of drones in America for civilian and government purposes. Use facts or positions from your readings to support those conclusions. Cite your references using American Psychological Association (APA) Style.


Johnson, T., (September 7, 2017. "Something Else to worry about: ISIS mounting dirty bombs on dronesPreview the documentView in a new window" Myrtle Beach Online.

Select two articles that have different viewpoints on the use of drones in America from the Opposing Viewpoints in Context database. You are using Edens Library for this search.

Question 4

Terrorist attacks in the European Union, have highlighted the effects of non-secure borders that have allowed terrorists to cross borders without security checks and attack civilian targets. This has raised questions about the viability of the European Union and its lack of security to protect civilians.

The United States adopted a policy to secure its borders while also securing inter-state travel with the Department of Homeland Security's Real ID program, passed in 2005, but yet to be fully implemented.

Americans expect to travel by air within the nation's borders safe and secure. In December 2016, TSA announced that it would enforce the REAL ID program. As a result, states whose driver's license ID's are not compliant by 2018, will not be accepted at TSA Security airports.


Read "In 2018, SC Driver's License won't be enoughPreview the documentView in a new window" by High (or see Course Materials Unit 4)

Look at "No Passport, No military ID? You could soon be grounded (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.." In The State newspaper

Research the New York Times map "State by State Compliance Status (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site."
Visit DHS for background on "Real ID Enforcement" and related topics

Write a 500-word essay and cite references in APA style. Use the outline below as topics to guide the development of your essay from both the references listed and from your research.

Background: Select a European country that has been the subject of a recent terrorist attack. Briefly describe the attack. Identify and describe the security breaches, reported through open sources that made the attack possible.

Select a state for study that is out of compliance, and describe its rationale for non-compliance. Include a brief overview of the DHS REAL ID program. Draw a connection between your European case study and your U.S. non-compliant state that makes the case for use of a national identification system.

Summarize the arguments for a universal ID system and those against a universal ID system. Take a position and draw conclusions for or against the need for a universal identification system on the basis of either national security or states' rights. Use facts from your reading and reference those facts to support conclusions. Cite your references in using APA Style.

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