Problem: Please help me figure out this coding i need ICD-10-CM and CPT. Please be specific and tell me why you chose this code please
Procedure Name: Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsies under fluoroscopy.
88-vear-old, white male, smoker, with a lung mass. Rule out bronchogenic carcinoma.
After satisfactory preoperative medication with 2 mg of Robinul and 1 mg of Ativan IM, the posterior pharynx was topically anesthetized with one percent nebulized Lidocaine and the nasal mucosa was further anesthetized with one percent topical lidocaine. Nasal cannula oxygen was introduced at two liters per minute and the patient was placed on pulse oximetry for continuous 02 saturation monitoring. In addition, the patient also had EKG electrodes for continued cardiac rhythm monitoring and intermittent blood pressure monitoring via pneumatic compression cuff.
At this point the fiberoptic bronchoscope was placed in the right naris and passed subsequently to the level of the vocal cords. The vocal cords appeared normal and moved normally with phonation and respiration. The scope was then advanced into the trachea that was normal. The scope was then passed to the carina that was sharp. The right side of the tracheobronchial tree was inspected first in the systematic fashion to the level of all subsegmental bronchi. There were no endobronchial lesions or bleeding appreciated although there were a few scattered purulent plugs that were lavaged clear. At this point the scope was placed in the left side of the tracheobronchial tree and this was inspected in a systematic fashion to the level of all of the subsegmental bronchi. Again there were no endobronchial lesions or bleeding although there was some mile erythema and purulent plugs that were lavaged clear. At this point the scope was placed into the lingular segment and the fluoroscope was used to locate the soft tissue density in the left upper lob mid lung region. Transbronchial biopsies were obtained times 7 & with good tissue return and following the procedure the area was lavaged with normal saline. Prior to the biopsies the area was bathed and 1/10.000 solution of Epinephrine followed by Lidocaine. There was bleeding associated with the biopsy, but this stopped without sequelae. At this point the scope was removed and the patient was allowed to return to outpatient in satisfactory condition. There were no intraoperative complications and the patient appeared to tolerate the bronchoscopy without difficulty. A total of 50 mg of IDemerol and 4 mg IV versed was given for analgesia and sedation.
What are the appropriate ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes and CPT procedure codes for this case?