
What are the applicable rules of law for each issue


MIKE AND BOB HAVE A FALLING OUT Mike has a boat manufacturing business which operates under the name, "Speedy Speed Boats." Bob is an accomplished boat builder. Mike pays Bob on an hourly basis. Mike supplies all of the boat building machinery and tools. Mike does not deduct taxes, EI or CPP from Bob's paycheck. Bob is 50 years old and has been doing work for Mike for 30 years. Mike gives Bob a work schedule at the beginning of each month and Bob has a business card which reads: "Bob the Boat Builder" and "Speedy Speed Boats." When picking up supplies Bob drives a van owned by Speedy Boats as indicated by the logo on the van. Bob also works for a couple of weeks a year for another boat building company, "Quality Boat Building" which is owned by Quinn. Unknown to Mike, Bob has been passing on boat building strategies of Speedy Speed Boats to Quinn and consequently business is picking up for Quinn's business. Mike is unaware that Bob is doing work for this competing business. Mike had Bob sign a written promise that if Bob stops working at Speedy Boats that he will not build boats for anyone in Canada for 10 years. Mike and Bob have an agreement that Bob will not purchase supplies in excess of $5,000.00 at any one time without Mike's approval.

Bob attends at "Amazing Boat Motors," a business owned by Big Al. Bob is so impressed by the new "Smoking Boat Motor" that he places a $50,000.00 order for Speedy Boats. Big Al is very happy. He tells his staff to get the order ready and says to Bob: "let's celebrate your order, come with me I have a beer frig in my office." After a few consuming a few beers Bob proceeds to carry the motors to the van and while doing so, Rita, the receptionist for Amazing Boats, runs up to tell Bob that Mike is on the phone wondering where he is. Bob is startled and drops a motor on Rita's foot. Poor Rita's foot is fractured so badly that she requires surgery and is off work for two months. Bob takes off for Speedy Boats as Rita is hauled away in an ambulance. As he screeches to a halt in front of the Speedy Boats office, Mike comes running out yelling at Bob: "You are done here and don t return." It turns out that Mike found out about working for and passing information to Quinn's Quality Boat Building, the large motor order with Mike's Amazing Boat Motors and the injury to Rita. Bob is without work for three months when Quality Boats asks him to join them as a working partner and Bob agrees.

Name Two Legal Issues which arise on the facts.

What are the applicable Rules of Law for each issue? *Who will sue who in the case of each issue and state an argument for each party.

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Business Law and Ethics: What are the applicable rules of law for each issue
Reference No:- TGS03211912

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