
What are the annual runoff coefficient runoffrainfall ratio

A watershed has four sub-areas. The annual precipitation and evaporation from each of the sub-areas are given in Table(below). Assume that there is no change in groundwater storage on an annual basis and calculate for the whole catchment the values of annual average (i) precipitation (ii) evaporation. What are the annual runoff coefficient (Runoff /Rainfall ratio) for the sub areas and for the total watershed taken as whole ? Sub-area Area (m2)/ Annual Precipitation (mm)/ Annual Evaporation (mm) A 10.7 1030 530 B 3.0 830 438 C 8.2 900 430 D 17.0 1300 600

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Civil Engineering: What are the annual runoff coefficient runoffrainfall ratio
Reference No:- TGS0641561

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