What are the advantages of using the option of hiring

Assignment: Forecasting And Aggregate Planning

Throughout this course, you have learned about the various aspects of operations management. In this final week, the focus has been on two additional strategies, forecasting and aggregate planning. With as quickly as today's marketplace changes, managers need to be able to maximize the use of available resources as well as adjust strategies quickly to meet the market demands. Two basic production strategies, level strategy and chase strategy, help managers transform forecasts or estimates of market demand into a production plan for efficiently and effectively meeting that demand.

Consider what you have learned about the use of aggregate planning. In the course text, review the list of variables that can be used in aggregate planning to modify the supply.

To prepare for this Discussion, consider the following:

One option for managing costs associated with changes in demand for a product or service is hiring additional personnel during periods of increasing demand and conducting layoffs during lower-demand periods.

Post a 250- to 300-word statement that addresses the following:

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the option of hiring additional personnel during periods of increasing demand and conducting layoffs during lower-demand periods for managing operating costs?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Operation Management: What are the advantages of using the option of hiring
Reference No:- TGS02970327

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