
What are the advantages of having a smart phone how smart


The topic will be about smartphone.

Nowadays, smart phones domain the cell phone market. Most people have smart phones. When looking on the street, many people are texting while walking. With the universal of smart phone, people tend to communicate with their families or friends on phone. Even they are facing some one, they rather look at their phone instead of talking to the person in front of them.


What are the advantages of having a smart phone?
How smart phone helps to build one's social network?
What are the impacts on using smart phone to communicate?

Thesis : Smart phone is a great invention that improved our quality of life. It was convenient and no limit for people to communicate to others from all over the world. It makes connection between people in virtual world. As people are addicted in chatting in virtual world, they might lose the skills on face to face communication. In this research paper, evidence is provided on showing the relationship on communication and smart phone, including the pros and cons.

For your final research paper, you need to use 5-6 sources. I would like you to use a variety of sources, not just Internet sources. No extensions will be granted. Your paper must be saved in rtf. format. Instructions for saving your document in rtf. format and using the Assignment Link are included in the Course Resources section; a link to that section is provided in this folder.

Here are some research paper guidelines:

1. MLA Format - See "MLA Documentation" in your textbook (You do not have to include a title page, outline, or note page.)

2. 6-8 pages + Works Cited

3. You Must Use 5-6 Sources - You must use a variety of sources. Sources must be cited in the body and on the Works Cited page.

4. Use of Summaries, Quotes, and Paraphrases

5. Each source is fully introduced the first time it is used in the paper - complete name and author(s)' credentials. Thereafter, use author's last name only and page numbers in parentheses, or article title if no author is listed.

6. Interesting introduction that provides background on topic, definition of unclear terms, and summary of major opposing arguments.

7. Clear persuasive or analytical thesis statement at the end of introduction paragraph

8. Body of paper supports thesis w/clear transitions between paragraphs

9. Claims are reinforced with credible sources

10. Anticipates and refutes opposing points - demonstrates awareness of audience

11. Sources are used evenly throughout the paper. Do not use quotes back to back - surround sources within the context of your voice. Use sources sparingly and wisely - paraphrase basic information, provide documentation though.

12. Writer uses a variety of sources - book, journal, essay, Website, magazine, newspaper, video, audiocassette, specialized reference book (Do not use a dictionary or basic encyclopedia as sources), expert interview, database, etc.

13. Writer uses a proper tone, one that respects differing views and the right for people to express them

14. Uses formal English - proper diction - no slang, cliches, or sexist language - no vague, undefined terms.

15. Employs proper English grammar, punctuation, and spelling, no contractions

16. Strong college vocabulary - appropriate to the discipline you're writing in.

17. Standard font - Times New Roman - 12 point

18. Revise, Edit, and Proofread, Proofread, Proofread . . .

19. Paper saved in rtf format

20. Create a short, interesting title - centered - two spaces before and after title.

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Dissertation: What are the advantages of having a smart phone how smart
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