
What are the advantages for trade in the united states


Written Responses:

Unless otherwise indicated, there is a 200 word minimum response required.

Credible reference materials, including your course textbook(s), may be used to complete the assessment.

If you have questions regarding the credibility of your reference, please contact your professor.

APA Information

In-text and reference citations are required for all written responses.

REQUIRED FOR UPLOADED ASSIGNMENTS ONLY: title page, margins, header, double spacing, and hanging indentation

For questions concerning APA formatting, please refer to the APA Guidelines found at the Student Resources link on your Course Menu.

Part 1

1. What is outsourcing? What are the seven major outsourcing errors that should be avoided?

2. What are the tradeoffs (pros and cons) between an internal and an external growth strategy? Which approach is best as an international strategy? Why?

Part 2

Using at least your textbook and a minimum of three additional sources, answer the following questions. Your paper should be at least three pages in length, excluding title and reference pages. Follow APA style guidelines.

1. The bilateral agreement has enabled China and South Korea an increase in trade and an increase in trade deficit for the United States; what are the advantages and disadvantages for the United States to continue these relationships with the bi-lateral agreements?

2. With regards to the various agreements/treaties discussed, EU, WTO, NAFTA, CARICOM, APEC, MERCOSUR and ASEAN:

Discuss any pending applications, candidate countries, or associate members.

What are the advantages/implications for trade within the trading group and for the United States?

Determine the GDP and GNP of those pending countries.

Based upon your assessment, do you think these countries should become full members of the FTAs they have applied to? Why, or why not?

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Marketing Management: What are the advantages for trade in the united states
Reference No:- TGS01768706

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