Psychopathology Short Essay Questions
Answer each question in a minimum 300 words, completely and fully for full credit. Source credits and the required Reference list attached at the end of each answer do no count toward its word length.
Answers are to be based on the course textbook and outside academic sources (excluding other course textbooks, encyclopedias such as Encarte and Wikipedia, and type websites that synthesize source information for users, magazines, news websites, blogs, etc.).
1. Provide a synopsis of the controversy over the inclusion and exclusion of particular paraphilias in the DSM. Include your opinion. Be sure to elaborate with scholarly presentation, style and argument.
2. What are the advantages and limitations of viewing addictive behavior as diseases? As learned behaviors? As immoral and sinful? (450-600 words). Elaborate.
3. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of legalizing specific illicit substances? Provide a response that goes beyond personal opinion.(450-600 words) Elaborate.