Problem: Elizabeth Jefferies is a divorced 46-year-old mother of two children and the daughter of two aging parents in the southeastern United States. She and her children have recently relocated from an urban neighborhood to a rural town to care for her parents, Robert and Susan. The move involved a job change for Elizabeth, a change in schools for the children, and an increased distance from the children's father. Robert is a 72-year old Methodist minister who recently suffered a stroke, leaving him with diminished motor function on his left side and difficulty swallowing. Susan is 68 years old and suffers from fibromyalgia, limiting her ability to assist with the dialy care of her husband. She has experienced an increase in generalized pain, difficulty sleeping, and worsening fatigue since her husband's stroke.
Q1. What are the actual and potential stresors that threaten the family?
Q2. Which actual and potential stressors threaten the individual members of the family?
Q3. Which of these stressors are positive and which are negative?
Q4. What levels of prevention interventions(s) are appropriate for the Jefferies family?