
What are the 3 macro processes that rest on the tmf


Import duties & exchange rates affect the location decision of a facility (or a sourcing decision on a supplier) in a supply chain. List 2 reasons for including a foreign location in the supply chain. List 2 reasons why a foreign location should be avoided.

What are the main reasons why offshoring fails? What are the risks & how are they mitigated? What are the major opportunities & how are they captured?

The Sourcing process has deliverables that include Commodity Profiles, Industry Profiles, TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Elements, Porter's 5 Forces Model, Selection Criteria, Willing & Able scatter plots & Negotiation Grids. Briefly explain the purpose / reason behind each one of these.

What are the 3 macro processes that rest on the TMF (Transactional Management Foundation) & what do they aim to accomplish? Briefly explain the types of information generated by these 3 macro processes (& how the information is used).

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Business Management: What are the 3 macro processes that rest on the tmf
Reference No:- TGS02707336

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