
What are stromatolites and where do they grow


Earth's surface

Question 1: What was available for early life on the earth's surface that was not available in the other areas explored ?

Question 2: What source of energy was available at the earth's surface?

Question 3: What organelle does photosynthesis take place in?

Question 4: What are stromatolites and where do they grow?

Question 5: Oxygen is absorbed into the ocean and forms what?

Question 6: What else does Oxygen do besides provide a way for us to break down sugar?

Question 7: Based on your viewing of this documentary on early life, (and perhaps knowledge you have gathered from other sources) what are your final thoughts regarding "how we know what we know" about early Life?

Please provide full discription about early life.

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Biology: What are stromatolites and where do they grow
Reference No:- TGS0879818

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