
What are specific strategies of an organization

Create a three-page paper using APA formatting, and include in-text citations and reference page.

1. What similarities exist between perceptions about the competence of and performance expectations for workers with disabilities and older workers? How are the two groups’ employment experiences similar? How are they different?(200 words)

2. What are specific strategies that an organization might use to best capitalize on a mixed-age employee base?(200 words)

From the list below, identify those questions that are questionably legal. Provide justification for your position on each question by citing the applicable law or regulation where appropriate. Rewrite any questionably legal questions that could be used to yield useful information if reworded according to legal guidelines.

Do you consider yourself handicapped in any way?

Is there a history of chronic illness in your family?

Are you planning to start a family soon?

How does your military experience relate to this job?

We are looking for seasoned professionals; you just graduated from college?

Would you mind if I call you by your first name?

Given that you are in a wheelchair, how do you think you’ll be able to do this job?

We are looking for someone who can effectively relate with college students; you are 47 years old?

Are you a smoker or a nonsmoker?
Your response should be at least 500 words in length.

Bell, M. P. (2012). Diversity in organizations (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western

Research Paper Research two companies in the Fortune 500 that offer partner benefits.
Compare and contrast the companies as you answer the following questions:

1. How do the requirements for coverage for domestic partners, such as length of the relationship compare with requirements for benefits of married couples?

2. Do companies usually require a waiting period after dissolution of a marriage (divorce) before a new spouse can become eligible for benefits?

3. What factors, such as legislation, may influence the inclusion of these stipulations?

4. Can any of the terms you defined above be applied to either company based on other information you learned about them? Why,or why not?

5. Use the following terms in your discussion and include appropriate examples for each one:

a. Glass walls

b. Sticky floor

c. Glass escalator

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Other Management: What are specific strategies of an organization
Reference No:- TGS01763850

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