What are specific example from your day to day work


A summary and reflection, in at least six hundrad words, single spaced, of your internship work so far. Think about what you're learning, what you can improve, and the future application of your current work.

1. Work summary: Describe the professional activities, competencies, assignments, projects, interactions with others in your area and on your team. How do they relate to the qualities and skillsets you wish to work on?

2. Learning outcomes: Describe what is going well during the internship so far and where there are opportunities for improvement. What are specific examples from your day to day work? Are there connections between your work and your classes throughout college, either in or outside your major?

3. Future application of work: Describe how your work is useful toward your career. What skills or qualities do you need and want to work on? Consider how events, tasks, and people in your work may connect with your future.

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