
What are some ways you will incorporate rhetorical appeals


As you have learned this term, writers don't write in a vacuum. Writers are influenced by, and work within, the context surrounding the act of writing. Factors like audience, purpose, and topic all influence the writer and their writing. By paying attention to this context, writers can increase their chances of success. Successful writers should carefully consider their audience and their use of rhetorical appeals to persuade their audience. As you read about this week, writers use a combination of ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade their audience. Although these appeals can be used separately, they are often closely connected. For example, a statistic might add logos to an argument, and if the statistic comes from a credible source, it also adds ethos to the argument. How have you used ethos, pathos, and logos in your previous writing, either for a course or in your professional life? What are some ways you will incorporate rhetorical appeals into your final project? How will the appeals help you meet your goals and persuade your audience?

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