
What are some ways that you can reduce your carbon

Watch the video and answer the following questions. Discuss Briefly


1. What are some potential positive effects that could result from increased carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere as viewed in this video clip? What are the potential negative effects?

2. The narrator comments, "Predicting the effects of global change is never easy". Many scientists are predicting potentially catastrophic effects because of global warming. Do you believe those scientists?

3. Ozone pollution is a separate problem than carbon dioxide pollution. However, if ozone and carbon dioxide levels continue to increase in our atmosphere, based upon this video, what would you expect to be the combined effect?

4. Do you think that the U.S. should begin drastically reducing carbon dioxide emissions? If it had an extremely negative effect on the economy, would your answer be any different?

5. What are some ways that you can reduce your "carbon footprint", in other words, reduce the amount of carbon dioxide you are either directly or indirectly responsible for producing?

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Dissertation: What are some ways that you can reduce your carbon
Reference No:- TGS01293646

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