
What are some ways that you can differentiate this unit

What are some ways that you can differentiate this unit? When you reply to other students, give each other ideas for their units.Write 150 words for each unit

My differential unit plan is about Integrity with money and will be covering second grade math SOL Math 2.10 "The student will a) count and compare a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters whose total value is $2.00 or less; and b) correctly use the cent symbol (¢), dollar symbol ($), and decimal point (.)." and second grade reading SOL 2.1 "The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language structure. a) Create oral stories to share with others. b) Create and participate in oral dramatic activities. c) Use correct verb tenses in oral communication. d) Use increasingly complex sentence structures in oral communication. e) Begin to self-correct errors in language use."

Within this unit, we will be discussing The Parable of the Talents, the character principle Integrity, counting with money and writing and performing in a dramatic skit based on Matthew 25. In order to differentiate this unit, students will be placed into mixed ability groups based upon the textbook's suggestion, "A hallmark of an effective differentiated classroom, by contrast, is the use of flexible grouping, which accommodates students who are strong in some areas and weaker in others" (Tomlinson, 2001, pg. 3). This will work especially well for the dramatic skit that the students will create. They can work together as a team and use each other's skill sets to their advantage. Another way to differentiate the unit is to use assign different levels of the assignment. Those who are right on track with second grade math will be given appropriate math equations, while those who are advanced will be given extra equations that will challenge them.

Tomlinson, C. A. (2001).How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

dq unit 2

The unit I chose for my final Differentiated Unit Plan is Community Helpers. This unit will be taught in a kindergarten class. There are a number of activities I could do to incorporate Community Helpers within math, writing, and reading. During our morning discussion we would discuss different helpers throughout the community. I would have different stations throughout the room that would contain different activities using the community helpers theme. One activity for math would be a game of throwing trash away. It would be a teacher lead game. I would hold the trash can, one student would throw away 3 pieces of trash and another student would throw away 2 pieces, as a class we would count how many pieces of trash was thrown away. A reading activity would represent a pest control job. There would be 2 sets of cards, 1 set would be a group of words such as, bat, hat, cat. The other group of cards would be pictures that match the words. The student would layout the cards with words on the floor. They would then draw a picture card and slap the matching word card. They would slap the card with a fly swatter that has a glue spot, so that the card would stick to the fly swatter. A writing activity I would use is a "What I want to be" book. Each student would write 3 or 4 sentences about what they want to be when they grow up, I would discuss proper sentence structure. Students would also draw a picture showing what they want to be. This activity would be done towards the beginning of the week. On Friday of that week students would be able to come to school dressed as what they want to be. They would be able to present their picture and discuss what they want to be. Pictures would be displayed in the hall for everyone to see. There are many ways to accommodate activities so that each student has the best opportunity to succeed.

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Dissertation: What are some ways that you can differentiate this unit
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