Discussion Post: Learning Differences
Effective grouping of students can create happy, engaging days in a classroom. Review pages 384-400 in your book EdPsych Modules to gain some insight into effective grouping strategies.
Read the text for this important information and consider the following discussion questions to deepen your understanding.
As we consider learning differences in the classroom, the effectiveness of student grouping is a crucial organizational component as teachers account for student learning differences. Which is used in Tennessee with variations in other states, grouping is an important, evaluated aspect for teacher ratings:
1. The instructional grouping arrangements (either whole-class, small groups, pairs, individual; heterogeneous or homogeneous ability) consistently maximize student understanding and learning efficiency.
2. All students in groups know their roles, responsibilities, and group work expectations.
3. All students participating in groups are held accountable for group work and individual work.
4. Instructional group composition is varied (e.g., race, gender, ability, and age) to best accomplish the goals of the lesson.
5. Instructional groups facilitate opportunities for students to set goals, reflect on, and evaluate their learning.
Feel free to incorporate the TEAM rubric requirements with the information from the text as you reply to the discussion questions.
In your discussion post, answer the following questions:
1. Using the categories of learner differences -- giftedness, cognitive disabilities, emotional, social, and behavioral disorders -- how does grouping of students help those who need acceleration or who are struggling with learning challenges and differences?
2. What are some ways a teacher might enrich instruction in the classroom for gifted students? How could this benefit all children?
3. What are ways you have seen or heard about in field experiences or work experience that schools are working to support and assist students with disorders? How has it applied to grouping within the classroom?