
What are some way we can develop the self-esteem of the aged

Project Assignment: Conducting Research through Interviews


The intent of this paper is to analyze the interviews of three people from different life periods. The aim of the interviewer is to try to understand and document their opinions on the characteristics and concomitant issues of their respective life periods.


The Questionnaire is divided into 3 sessions with the first section bothering on issues of consent and description of the study and the kind of information that would be needed alongside the use of the information gathered. The second section would have questions on socio demographics while the third section would contain information on the Participant issues on various issues.

The section would contain questions such as the Participants Age in years(at last birthday), Religious belief with options ranging from Christianity, islam, and other (To be specified); Race, these had options ranging from White, Black, African American, others (specify); Gender, this include options such as Male, Female,

Transgender, others (to be specified); Sexuality, this would include options such as Heterosexual, Homosexual, Asexual, others (specify); Level of education, this include options such as No formal education Preschool, High School, College, Post graduate; Marital status, this include options such as Single, Married, Divorced, separated, cohabiting, Others (specify); Place where they grew up (a drop down would be created which would include the state, city and county detail.

The third section of the questionnaire would include information such as What is old to You and How do you know you are old?; How do you feel about old people and why?; Name two different ways that you were brought up that differs from most other people?; Where you a part of religious or social group when growing up?; Who were your role models when growing up and how did they influence you?

The first interview is a 9-year-old boy, who by standard definition would be a child. The interview began by receiving informed consent after which his age and his religious belief was in keeping with that of Christianity. He was of Hispanic race, identified as a male and was heterosexual. His educational level was third grade and he was single. He grew up in Cali, Colombia to be specific and travels to the United States for the holidays and his marital status was "Single"

The discussion then moved into the third section of the interview which included, what being old was to him? And how he would know if he was old? He said to him being old means being at a stage of life where one is unable to carry out their routine daily activities by themselves or doing it with great stress. He the said he would know he was old when he needs help with basic routine activities like having a bath and cleaning up, just like his paternal great grandmother.

We then discussed how he felt about old people and why, He stated that he deals with them with utmost respect as he does not think their life is easy. He said he felt that way because his paternal grand mother has lived with his family all through his life and he has seen the struggle sometimes with the most basic of activities. He was then asked to mention two ways he was brought up that differs from most people and he stated that His father being a pastor played a major role in his pattern of thinking and his living with his extended family also helped him realize how important family is.

He was them asked if he was a part of any religious and social groups when growing to which he answered being a member of the Local Church and being a Bible study member in his community. He said his mentor was his father and he has learn to live a selfless life because of him.

The second Participant was a 17-year-old boy, who by standard definition would be a teenager. He is interested in music and travelling. The interview began by receiving informed consent after which his age was gotten to be 17 years and his religious belief atheism. He was white, identified as a male and was homosexual. His educational level was final high school year and he was single. He grew up in Miami, United States and his marital status was "Single"

He was asked what being old was to him. And how he would know if he was old? He said to him being old means being above the age of 60. He then said he would know he was that age. On how he felt about old people and why, he stated that he finds then a tad very old fashioned and stressful to deal with and this stems from his grand uncle always being a bother to his nuclear family

He was then asked to mention two ways he was brought up that differs from most people, he stated that being homosexual and being raised by a single parent made life a little difficult. On him being a part of any religious and social groups when growing to which he answered being member of the School Musical Club. He said his mentor was his music teacher had teach him to accept people regardless of who they are.

The third participant was a 46-year-old woman, who by standard definition would be a middle-aged woman. The interview began by receiving informed consent after which her age was gotten to be 46 years and her religious belief was Catholic. She is Latin race, identified as a female and was heterosexual. Her educational level was college level and she is married, she grew up in Bogota, Colombia and she had been 35 years married

She said being old means being elderly, a state given to one by the society and state that she would know she is old when she becomes elderly. On how he felt what being old was to her. And how he would know if she was old? She said she finds them interesting and this is due to her relationship with her father. She was then asked to mention two ways he was brought up that differs from most people, she stated that being a devout Catholic and having travelled a lot as a child affects how she sees the world. On her being a part of any religious and social groups when growing to which she answered being member of the Catholic society. She said that her mentor in life since she was very young was her nun at school. She learned a lot of patience and forgiveness with her religion.

Using the responses from interviews, respond to each question

A. Refer back to the responses from interview, What is "old"? How to know when you're are old? How to feel about old people? Why?

B. What was old when parents were growing up is different than it is now. Why is that?

C. How did subjects define old?

D. What are some ways we can develop the self-esteem of the aged?

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