Assignment Task:
Write the reflection (college masters level but still friendly and casual) using the information provided. Add one or two scholarly sources to support:
After completing the table in Part 1, review your completed time monitoring log to take a serious look at how you use your time each day. Need Assignment Help?
Write a 250-400-word reflection on how you manage your time. Include the following in your reflection:
1. What are some things you can do more efficiently?
Wake up, eat and sleep at the same time each day.
2. What are the main items/tasks that take up most of your time?
Sleeping. I am in the process of managing anemia which leaves me extremely fatigued if I am not getting the right vitamins and minerals. I am currently working with a hematologist and blood transfusions are not out of the question to help me manage this.
3. What are areas in your daily routine where you can adjust to become more productive?
It is not necessary for me to sleep so much which is why I am seeking help. I really need to get on a normal schedule but find that I am nocturnal and work better at night which works for school flexibility but not functioning as an aspiring counselor.
4. Identify any unproductive activities that impede your time management.
I do not spend too much time on games or social media, especially when I'm in school, but I could still cut some more screen time.