What are some suggestions as to how to track down offenders

Make it "A" grade U ill get a great rating must be original fresh work will pay $15 in APA format with 3-4 reference.

The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit.

Computer crime has become a serious matter; for your Discussion Board post, consider the following:

  1.     Do you think computer crime is on the rise? If so, why?
  2.     Identify 3 different computer crimes that you are aware of.
  3.     What are some suggestions as to how to track down offenders of these crimes you've identified?


  •     Discussion Board post: 30 points
  •     Commenting on other posts: 20 points


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Marketing Management: What are some suggestions as to how to track down offenders
Reference No:- TGS0511763

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