What are some strong ways she supports her conclusions/claim

Assignment task: Please watch this video and answer the questions correctly.

Ted talk video: The dangerous ways ads see women | Jean Kilbourne | TEDxLafayetteCollege

Killing Us Softly (Jean Kilbourne TedTalk)

Responses should be at least 5 sentences unless stated otherwise

In 1-2 sentences, paraphrase the issue, as well as the argument Kilbourne makes about the issue.

1. What inspired Kilbourne to research the topic discussed in the lecture?  What experience and expertise does she have that lends to her authority on these topics?

2. What are some strong ways she supports her conclusions/claims?  Are there any flaws in her argument or weaknesses in her methods of persuasion and support?  Are there some unspoken assumptions that you detect, questions that she still needs to address, flaws in the logic, or further research you would like to see presented?

3. In her full video, Killing Us Softly 4, Kilbourne asserts that the media's representation of women actually creates a "public health problem."  What do you think this means?  What health problems might women suffer in relation to media portrayals?  And how is this also problematic for men or people of any gender? Children?

4. How does Kilbourne anticipate and address the following counterargument:  "Men are also objectified in advertising, so it's an equal playing field."  Hint: According to Kilbourne, how do men and women live in "two very different worlds"?

5. Was there anything in the lecture you found shocking?  Surprising?  Troubling? Informative?  Identify at least one thing you can learn or take away from this talk.

6. By the end of the lecture, what does Kilbourne propose? What does she suggest can be done to change things?  What do you think can or should be done?  What might you do?

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