1. What does each stain tell you? How is it done? What are some potential problems with the stain?
2. Identify what each of the following bacteria would look like stained with the listed stains
3. How can a Gram variable result occur?
4. Why do acid fast positive organisms not stain with Gram stains?
Bacteria Stains
M. leprae Safranin
M. tuberculosis Negative
E. coli Gram Stain
S. epidermidis Acid - Fast
S. pneumonia Endospore
B. anthracis Flagella
K. pneumoniae
C. tetani
C. botulinum
B. cereus
B. megaterium
S. aureus
M. catarrhalis
E. aerogenes
N. gonorrhoeae
C. diphtheriae
P. aeruoginosa
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
M. smegmatis
K. pneumoniae
S. volutans
Morganella morganii