What are some possible reasons bipedalism evolved hypotheses


I. After reading about primates (chapter six/seven) and watching the Vice video on bushmeat (consult Canvas module page: Bushmeat and Ebola), what are your thoughts on the bushmeat crisis (i.e., what did you learn about it, anything that surprised you, opinions on the practice). Investigate (online) to see if any organizations are involved in stopping the practice. Name at least one organization and explain how they are trying to stop the practice. Do you agree with their methods - why/why not? Do you have some ideas of your own regarding solutions?

II. According to the textbook and video lectures, why have some primates evolved high or low degrees of sexual dimorphism? Consider all types of dimorphism (canine size, body size, and ornamentation). Name one species with high dimorphism and at least one species with low dimorphism and explain why each may have evolved differently (consider the social and environmental context).

III. What are some key skeletal changes that occurred during bipedal evolution, and what function did these changes serve (consider textbook and lecture)? What are some possible reasons bipedalism evolved (consider discussed hypotheses and some of your own)?

IV. Per textbook and lecture, which trait evolved first, bipedalism or large brains? Name some hominin species as examples. Why do you think large brains evolved (consider discussed hypotheses and some of your own)?

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