
What are some other products and features of those products

1. ATMega328P Datasheets

Review the datasheet for the ATMega328P. Provide a description of each pin of the DIP and explain how each pin is used to interface with the microcontroller.

Include the following:

• Type of signal (voltage, current, analog/digital, etc.) that would be associated with each pin
• Current/voltage ratings of each pin
• Whether or not each pin is considered an input, output or neither.
• Discussion as to why this level of detailed understanding is critical to an engineer as opposed to a hobbyist that may be using the Arduino

1. Setting Up the Arduino

Lab 1a:


• Watch the video: Tutorial 01 for Arduino: Getting Acquainted with the Arduino (https://youtu.be/fCxzA9_kg6s)
• Download and install the Arduino IDE.
• Create a new Sketch and give it the name Lab1a_Blink_G000xxxxxx where you have included your Grantham ID into the file name.
• Type in the code provided in Chapter 1 for the Blink program and upload to the Arduino. Note that if the program is working correctly that the onboard LED will blink indefinitely.

• Capture a screenshot of your completed sketch.

Lab 1b:


• Adjust the Blink program such that the onboard LED stays on at all times.
• Connect a jumper wire to pin 13 of the Arduino and another jumper wire to the Ground pin.
• Upload your new program to the Arduino.
• With a Digital Multimeter, measure the exact voltage between pin 13 and ground.
• Take a picture of the Arduino board in run mode and include the voltage display of the DMM.
• Redesign your program to meet the following specifications:

o Over a 10 second period of time the onboard LED and pin 13 must exhibit a duty cycle of 40%

Save the redesigned sketch with the filename Lab1b_DutyCycle_ G000xxxxxx where you have included your Grantham ID into the file name.
Include a screenshot of your redesigned code and pictures of measurements of the DMM display to confirm the voltages during each portion of the cycle.


Explain the process you used in this lab to arrive at the final design of both the hardware portion and the software portion to achieve the design objectives.

Review the following short video on a product that features a similar (not the same) microcontroller as found on the Arduino. (https://youtu.be/tx5sk4zFAiQ)

Discuss the following

o Based upon the knowledge and experience you have gained in the first lab, what features of this device and its "embedded" system could you already write software to control with the Arduino? Describe the features and provide a description of how you would go about achieving this functionality with the Arduino.

o What are some other products and features of those products for which the Arduino would be a possible candidate as that product's microcontroller? Describe the products, features and how you would envision the Arduino enabling each feature/functionality.

Attachment:- Datasheet_microcontroller-atmega_summary.pdf

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Other Engineering: What are some other products and features of those products
Reference No:- TGS01544955

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