
What are some of your thoughts about larry


OCD Case Review

Larry is a 25 year old male of European-Jewish heritage who seeks therapy for what he describes as "annoying habits that are making me late for work". He tells you that he has always had this fascination with numbers and often finds himself "counting my thoughts". He tells you that lately he finds himself doing things "in threes" and that he is compelled to lock the door three times before he leaves the house, drive in and out of his driveway three times before he leaves and circles the parking lot at work three times before he can park his car. When you ask him what would happen if he didn't do this, he tells you, "I really don't know but just your mentioning it makes me terribly anxious" while he blinks three times.

1. Using the information in the texts on cognitive behavioral therapy and obsessive-compulsive disorder, what are some of your thoughts about Larry?

2. Devise a behavioral experiment for Larry.

Write your answer/response in detail with examples and facts and figures using APA style of formatting, size 12, font Times new roman and answer must be single spaced.

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Other Subject: What are some of your thoughts about larry
Reference No:- TGS01885390

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