
What are some of the newer tools and technology used to

The United States Patriot Act is a key counter terrorist tool and a powerful piece of legislation that is used by responding local, state, and federal agencies to deter, prevent, and fight terrorism domestically and internationally. The Department of Justice's first priority is to prevent future terrorist attacks through effective and efficient tools and technology. According to the Department of Justice (2013),
Since its passage following the September 11, 2001 attacks, the Patriot Act has played a key part - and often the leading role - in a number of successful operations to protect innocent Americans from the deadly plans of terrorists dedicated to destroying America and our way of life. While the results have been important, in passing the Patriot Act, Congress provided for only modest, incremental changes in the law. Congress simply took existing legal principles and retrofitted them to preserve the lives and liberty of the American people from the challenges posed by a global terrorist network.

For this discussion posting you will be required to read the United States Patriot Act sponsored by the Department of Justice.
Please keep in mind the act improves the global community's counterterrorism efforts in significant ways to include:

The Patriot Act allows investigators to use the tools that were already available to investigate organized crime and drug trafficking
The Patriot Act facilitated information sharing and cooperation among government agencies so that they can better "connect the dots."
The Patriot Act updated the law to reflect new technologies and new threats.
The Patriot Act increased the penalties for those who commit terrorist crimes.

Discussion directions

Based upon the information that has been presented by the Department of Justice, respond to the following:

Do you believe that the United States Patriot Act is considered one of the most powerful tools toprevent,deter, andfightterrorism globally? Why or why not?

Choose one of the counterterrorism efforts listed above and outline the pros and cons as it relates to counterterrorism.(i.e. information sharing, What are the benefits of information sharing? What are the difficulties associated with information sharing amongst multiple agencies and jurisdictions? )

What are some of the newer tools and technology used to prevent terrorism?

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Dissertation: What are some of the newer tools and technology used to
Reference No:- TGS02406178

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