
What are some of the markers of identity in the group


Community and self-identification come in various forms. A person and/or a group of people may identify as a community based on shared stories, rituals, behaviors, and values. People may also identify as part of a community based on their geographical location (county, region, state, nation), shared racial and ethno-identification, and/or language practice (African American, Black, Asian, Jewish, Latinx, Spanish-speakers). Whether it is employees in a specific profession, or youth growing up in a particular locale, communities have certain features which distinguish their identities and expectations from different groups. Technical and professional writing understands how crucial cross-cultural communication and accessibility is to the development and design of materials and resources in the digital age.

This project invites you to identify a specific community (Make Sure It Has to be Asian Community) in which you are already participant (passively or actively), and which informs the disciplinary work you do. As you develop greater attunement to your selected community, and begin to develop an initial overview, your project should answer the following questions:

Based on Asian Community:

1. What are some of the markers of identity in the group? (Race, ethnicity, religion, symbols, clothes, language, for example.)

2. What kinds of connections do you have with the site or community now?

3. How easy or difficult will it be to enter this community as insider or outsider?

4. In what ways are you an insider or an outsider already? (Consider, age, nationality, gender, race or ethnicity,

5. education level, socioeconomic status, religious differences, and so on.) If you are an insider, what outsider opinions will

6. you search out? If you are an outsider, how might one gain entry? Try to offer specific strategies. o -How do members of the community address one another?

7. If there are "leaders" of the group, how do they obtain and maintain that position?

8. How might this community be targeted in a particular media?

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