
What are some of the immediate needs of the people

Crisis Intervention

Current Events Project

Students will collect 5 news stories (from newspapers or reputable online resources) related to the topics we have covered in class.

1. Look through your local newspaper or other, reputable online sources (websites for local news stations, online versions of newspapers, etc.). Select 3 current event articles or stories that relate to a topic we are covering in class. Your selections should be on the same topic.

2. Make a 5-minute Power Point presentation that includes the below information:

a. An overview of the stories you selected - who, what, where, when, etc.

b. What are some of the immediate needs of the people who are involved in these situations?

c. What things to human services professionals need to consider when supporting the individuals in these situations?

d. What support systems are available in the local area that could help the individuals in your news stories?

Important Details:

1. Choose a professional-looking theme.

2. Carefully proofread your work for spelling and grammatical errors.

3. Do not over use graphics. If they apply directly to your article, it is okay to use them.

4. You must Be sure you provide a link to the source if you are locating your news stories from online resources.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: What are some of the immediate needs of the people
Reference No:- TGS01787005

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