Read the lecture notes and answer the following questions in your own words:
A. What is a zygote and how big is it? Know what happens during the 3 different periods of prenatal development.
B. Be able to identify the following terms: cephalocaudal and proximodistal.
C. When can the mother feel the fetus? What role does fetal movement play in chicks?
D. What are some of the fetus's sensory capacities?
E. Do fetuses learn? If so, what are some examples of fetal learning?
F. What are teratogens? Be able to provide examples of teratogens.
G. Know the three stages of labor.
H. Know the differences between the Apgar Scale and the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Scale.
I. Know the differences between a premature and a low-birth weight baby. What factors are correlated with prematurity and low-birth weight?
J. According to Konrad Lorenz, what are the "babyness" features that adults find appealing?