Research Paper Outline
For your second submission, you will need to submit a draft of your research paper with several components to ensure you are on the right track:
An outline of your research and the intended direction of your argument. At least five scholarly resources you have found that contribute to your topic. A brief annotated bibliography of two scholarly resources. An abstract outlining your topic and your subsequent findings.
This research outline should be at least two pages, double-spaced with Times New Roman 12 pt. font, and use appropriate APA style writing. You should be thorough in your research so your professor (or a colleague) could adequately determine your intended topic and the direction you are going with your paper.
The effect of abortion on moral character
The purpose of the report is to provide a detailed proposal on one of the topics in medical law and ethics. Medical law and ethics refer to the application of moral standards designed to benefit the patients around the world (Harris, Martin, Debbink & Hassinger, 2013). The healthcare workers often make choices that take care of the common good of his or her patients. The ethics that healthcare providers should demonstrate have deteriorated over the periods. For example, each health worker in various healthcare institutions needs a comprehensive understanding of the legal requirements for both him and the patient (Harris et al., 2013). The report also indicates at least two subtopics under the chosen topic and the possible research questions for investigation.
The topic selected for the proposal involves the effects of abortion on the moral character of individuals who engage in the immoral act. I have chosen the topic following the current state where instances of people performing the act have significantly increased. I believe that the attempt to live an ethical life is based on the fact that by acting, a person forms himself or herself either for the better or the, worse. It means that every act that an individual deliberately does determines the character he or she possesses (Herring, 2014). The moral behavior which a person exhibits affects the kind of decision he or she makes.
The following subtopics under the effect of abortion on moral character include: first, the study will find out the circumstances under which abortion is legally performed. The law states clearly when a lady can abort the foetus. It occurs when the doctor has determined beyond any reasonable doubt that the act would rescue the mother from a critical condition that could lead to her or both their death (Herring, 2014). Secondly, the research will look at the contributors of cases of abortion rise among students in colleges. It has become a worrying trend where many ladies have lost their moral and value for life. It has seen many women develop various complications in the future especially when they want to give birth (Shrage, 2013).
Possible research questions for investigation and the relevance of the two scholarly references to your research.
The study will base its findings on various research issues which include;
I. Do healthcare providers possess and understand the necessary medical law and ethics required of them to undertake their responsibilities? There have been concerns by many people over time regarding the way doctors have assisted ladies abort even when their lives are not endangered by the foetus.
II. What are some of the effects of abortion on the moral character of an individual undertaking the act? The question helps to investigate if there are any adverse effects on the lady who abort either willingly or when her life is at risk.
The two reference materials used in the proposal has offered an excellent opportunity to formulate reasonable questions for the study. They have helped to consider a careful choice of subtopics to establish the critical impacts of abortion on the character which constitute the goodness of a human being.
Harris, L. H., Martin, L., Debbink, M., & Hassinger, J. (2013). Physicians, abortion provision and the legitimacy paradox. Contraception, 87(1), 11-16.
Herring, J. (2014). Medical law and ethics. Oxford University Press, USA.
Shrage, L. (2013). Moral dilemmas of feminism: Prostitution, adultery, and abortion. Routledge.