What are some of the considerations

Discussion Post

The internetworking infrastructure is one of the major components of businesses everywhere. When working with interconnected technologies, security issues may arise. There are often news reports about stolen corporate assets that contain sensitive information about either businesses or customers. Discuss the trade-offs that may be necessary between a fully interconnected infrastructure and security measures. If you had a company with a large internetworking infrastructure, what kinds of trade offs would you anticipate and what kinds of policies would you consider putting in place?

Availability is an important element in today's global marketplace. Customers expect to be able to access services 24/7, but no system will have an availability of 100 percent. When deciding whether to host a solution in-house or externally, many considerations need to be examined. What are some of these considerations. List some of the resources that need to be allocated in order to maintain in-site hosting of services. Explain whether or not you believe in in-house hosting.

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Reference No:- TGS03155209

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