Examining the Pulitzer prize winning series by the Post and Courier of Charleston, S.C., "Till Death Do Us Part." https://www.postandcourier.com/tilldeath/title.html and Write a paper (no more than 6 pages in length) that includes the following:
Evaluation of how accurately and thoughtfully the series addresses the issue of intimate partner violence and homicide based on what you have learned throughout this course. Topics to cover:
- What are some of the characteristics of the abusers who are discussed?
- What were some of the dynamics of domestic violence in the cases presented?
- What was the effect on the children who witnessed the violence?
- What challenges were present in South Carolina in addressing domestic violence? Are these challenges unique to South Carolina or present elsewhere?
- How did the system (police, courts, legislature, etc.) respond to the problem?
- How did the community respond to the problem?
- What did you like most about the series? What did you like least about the series?
- Did the series identify the appropriate problems and solutions?
- How effective was this series in bringing about change?
Additional information about your paper:
- The paper requires a cover sheet (title page) and a reference page.
- The total number of pages for the content of this assignment is no more than 6.
- The paper should follow APA style.
- The paper should be double-spaced
- Paragraphs should be indented 5 spaces
- The pages should be numbered.