
What are some of the challenges your country has faced


Presentation Guidelines

Comparative Economic Systems

You will select a country and provide 15 minute class presentation about your findings, which should focus on an economic analysis of that country's strengths and weaknesses. You will need to select the country and have it approved by me on or before March 31. Selecting the United States is not an option, nor is selecting your native country if you are an international student. Select your country carefully because once approved, you may not be allowed to change it. Presentations will be given in class on the nights of April 28 and May 3. Times will be assigned; however, I will try to meet your preferred date.

The presentation should include a brief overview of the country selected and an evaluation of the economic structure, political processes, geography, culture, resources, and/or any other variables that would impact its economic viability. For example, a transitioning economy such a Ukraine has undergone a major shift from a command economy in the Soviet Union to a more market-based economy. Its geography, its political history, its customs, its natural resources and other factors have a dramatic impact on its ability to make this transition. Your assignment is to serve as this country's economic advisor and make recommendations that will improve the nation's overall economic performance and increase the quality of life for the people who live there.

Be sure you use good presentation skills and correct economic terminology. You must submit a copy of your presentation and a list of sources you used when you make your presentation. Failure to do so will result in NO CREDIT for this assignment. Your presentation is worth a maximum of 100 points and is the equivalent of a final exam.

Good presentations include an introduction, a body of content, and a summary or conclusion.

Introduction: The purpose of the introduction is to give some background on your country -- perhaps why you selected it or what is most important about it. It prepares the audience for what they are about to hear.

Main Content: This is main event! The basic rule is to be coherent, organized and complete in a reasonable amount of time. While this section is basically a review of the materials you found in your research, it is appropriate to compare, criticize, and include your personal perspectives. Just be sure that you can back up your ideas and personal input with reliable sources! Illustrations such as charts and graphs are helpful in presenting the information. Be sure to use sources for your data, facts, etc. They are generally identified in footnotes on your slides.

Following are some (but certainly not all!) questions you might want to consider in your presentation:

. What are some of the challenges your country has faced?
. What are some of the challenges it is now facing?
. What factors help or hinder its ability to meet those challenges?
. What is the economic and political future of your country?
. What trends are shaping its future?

Summary/Conclusion: Give a brief summary of what has been presented. A conclusion is designed to tie together the ideas and synthesize the information.

References: Provide a complete bibliography or reference list. You may choose to use MLA, APA or other style - but be consistent. For this length of presentation, using about 4-8 references is reasonable. You may use books, Web sites, journal articles, newspaper and news magazines for your sources. If you have questions about the reliability or quality of a source, please ask.

Note about sources:

• Appropriate resources - no wikipedias or encyclopedias.

• A maximum of TWO web site resources. (Does not include newspapers, journals or other similar publications that may be downloaded.)

• A minimum of FOUR resources.

• You should NOT use all Web-based sources (a publication such as a journal from the
library's Website is not a Web-based source).

Remember: Your presentation is a reflection on you, your commitment to the class and your knowledge of the country you chose! So, give it your best.

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Microeconomics: What are some of the challenges your country has faced
Reference No:- TGS01817675

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