What are some non-quantitative impacts of the change

Accounting Discussion

One of the business changes proposed in the chapter is a change from salaried sales positions to compensation based on commissions. As demonstrated, It is fairly simple to run a comparative computation to determine if this is quantitatively a good idea. What are some non-quantitative impacts of the change? How will the business and customers be impacted?

For full credit, please post a minimum of two specific ways that the business will be impacted that cannot be measured monetarily. Discuss why these changes would occur and whether you see them as positive or negative for the business. You must also respond to two other posts with statements regarding whether you agree or disagree with the impact of the changes mentioned and why.

Just saying something is good, bad, or the like is insufficient. You must provide support for all assertions and valuations made.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Accounting Basics: What are some non-quantitative impacts of the change
Reference No:- TGS02984966

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