
What are some interventions strategies that you will use


Naina, a female adolescent stated that she had left home as she was feeling unsafe. She advised that she had recently contacted her local CAS agency and told them that she had left the family home, complaining that her parents had been using excessive physical punishment with her and her siblings. The youth informed you that due to her parent's past disciplinary practices, the CAS had been previously involved with the family. She advised that the agency had deemed her concerns to be historical, as they believed that these concerns had already been dealt with in the previous encounters. Naina found shelter with an adult in her community. The substitute caregiver confirmed that the parents were aware of their child's whereabouts. The parents had refused to assist Naina and, in fact, had moved to a new community without her. Naina and the adult caregiver appealed to the local CAS. The CAS advised that Naina should return to her parental home and that any information surrounding the risk to the remaining children in the home would have to be investigated by another CAS agency that had jurisdiction in the community where the family now lived.

As Naina's advocate what are some interventions strategies that you will use? What could be barriers to change in this case?

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Reference No:- TGS03327900

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