
What are some ingredients for creativity must art be


What are some "ingredients" for creativity?

What is beauty? We say that a mountain vista or a top supermodel is beautiful, but what exactly is beauty? Can something be beautiful to one person but not to another? Does a work of art have to be beautiful to be considered good art? And is beauty just a physical thing? Who or what decides what the standards of beauty are?

What are some of the various purposes or functions of art? Which functions of art do you find most important? Least important? Why?

Must art communicate something or be about something? Should art tell a story?

Must art be made by hand? Explain.

Can mass produced objects such as stacks of soup cans be art? How? Explain.

An artist picks up a piece of driftwood from the beach and displays it in a gallery is it art? Or does the wood have to be manipulated or changed in some way?

Under what conditions is photography art, and when is photography not art?

Can an object be art if the person making it did not intend for it to be art?

10. Must a work of art evoke or express feelings or emotions in order to be considered art?

11. Is art an imitation or an interpretation of nature?

12. Does art have to look "real" or can it be merely representational or symbolic of something real?

13.Can furniture be art? Clothing? Serving utensils? Greeting cards? Musical instruments? Tapestries? Quilts? Under what conditions are these objects art or

14. What about the materials utilized in making a work of art? Can found objects be art by themselves or must they be changed and manipulated in some way?

15. In order to be "good" art, must the work imitate reality?

16. Must art be enjoyed to be worthy of being labeled as art?

17.Should all works of art be judged by the same criteria?

18. Are works of art made a long time ago of more value or should be more highly priced than recent works?

19. Imagine that a museum has just acquired a Hopi Kachina doll. The Hopi people want it back because it is sacred to them. Is the doll more

important as a piece of art, or as a religious symbol for the Hopi?

20. Can artifacts from past cultures (which weren't meant to be art at the time they were made) be considered works of art now for a different culture?


1. Why is music important to society and people in general?

2. Is music an important element of successful advertising?

3. How does music relate to emotion? Can music alter or change emotion? Explain.

4. Research two of the time periods or specific happenings of a certain time below (as far as what was going on socially and politically etc.) and find one song for each of the two time periods that you believe best captures or relates to the time period and its characteristics and or happenings. Explain why the song should represent or relate to the time period. Explain why it does so.

The Baroque era

Medieval era

Roaring 1920’s

The 1950’s

The Romantic era

The 1960’s

The 1970’s

The Civil Rights Movement

The Millennium (Year 2000)

The Civil War Era

The Time of Prohibition

The Age of Punk Rock

The 1980’s

The Drug Culture of the 1960’s

The Harlem Renaissance

The 1930’s

The 1940’s

5. How do changes in society affect music?

6. What is the first popular song you remember hearing/listening to in your youth whether on TV, at the movies, radio, or the Internet, and what if any impact did it have?

7.What song lyric do you think is the most profound or memorable? Explain?

8. What song do you think is the most patriotic song ever written?

9. Make a classical music Station on Pandora and listen to find a song that evokes a feeling or emotion while you are listening to it.

Explain the way you felt while listening to it.

10. What genre of music would you say best represents society in this year of 2013? Explain.

11. What is the single best song of all time? Explain.

12. If you could take only 2 CD’s with you to play on a desert island for a year what would they be and why?

13. If you had to choose to listen to any genre of music you have never listened to, what would it be? Listen to 2 songs in that genre and pick one to write about and talk about why you did or did not like it.

14. Listen to Vivaldi’s to Four Seasons” and write a response to how it made you feel and whether not you liked it?

15. Make a Country station on Pandora and listen to at least 3 songs.

Were there some common themes or subject matter, if so what   were they? Did listening change your opinion of country music one way or the other?

   16. What is the single greatest rock song of all time? If you not normally listen to rock music, make a rock Pandora station and listen so you can answer the question.

17. Which of the following bands do you think had the biggest influence on society and music in general, how and why? The Beatles,The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Prince & The New Power Generation, Sly and the Family Stone, The Eagles,

The Police, Depeche Mode, The Blackeyed Peas,The Sex Pistols, The Kinks, Aerosmith, The Jackson 5. Or which do you think is the best of these bands and why. Again if you never heard any of these bands go on Pandora or research them on Google and listen until you find one you like.

18. What is the purpose of music to any given society?

19. What things have to be in place for a song to appeal to you? Relatable lyrics, Good Vocals, Good Instrumentation, Subject Matter, Talent of the singer etc.

20. Research album and CD covers on the internet (Google images might be a good place to start). Find and album that seems very artistic and appealing and explain what makes it artistic and appealing, Is it the colors or images used? Is it that it perfectly fits the title of the album or CD? Explain.

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