What are some general conclusions we can make from the data

Discussion Post: Diversity & Media

Carefully review the study conducted on diversity in the entertainment media.

1) What are some general conclusions we can make from the data presented here?
2) How does it shape cultural themes regarding gender, race, and sexuality?
3) How do the images presented onscreen influence what we consider to be the "ideal" image?

Find at least one additional source that helps you analyze the influence the media have on American culture. Questions to think about: What role does an informed public play in a democratic society? How do we distinguish between news sources in the world of social media? What impact has the transition to 24/7 news programming had on the quality of the news we receive? Who determines what types of news and shows get on the air?

Textbook: The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology, 7th ed. (2020). Ferris, K., & Stein, J. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: What are some general conclusions we can make from the data
Reference No:- TGS03190313

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