
What are some examples of drug targets


Watch the YouTube video "How Does the FDA Approve a Drug?" and answer the questions.

A. What are some examples of drug targets?

B. What is the most common way drugs are approved today?

C. What is pharmacokinetics?

D. How many candidate drugs make it through preclinical testing?

E. Before human testing can occur what application must be submitted?

F. What happens and how many participants are included in a phase I trial.

G. What happens and how many participants are included in a phase II trial.

H. What happens and how many participants are included in a phase III trial.

I. What phase is the drug safety information finalized?

J. What application is needed after a drug makes it through stage III?

K. What happens in stage IV or post market surveillance stage?

L. From discovery to pharmacy takes an average of _____ years.

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Reference No:- TGS03259456

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