
What are some drawbacks and risks to a broad generic

Chapter 6Rothaermel Text

1.What are some drawbacks and risks to a broad generic business strategy? To a focused strategy?(150 Words)

2.In Chapter 4, we discussed the internal value chain activities a firm can perform in its business model (see Exhibit 4.8). The value chain priorities can be quite different for firms taking different business strategies. Create examples of value chains for three firms: one using cost leadership, another using differentiation, and a third using value innovation business-level strategy.(200 Words)

Chapter 7Rothaermel Text

1.Select an industry and consider how the industry life cycle has affected business strategy for the firms in that industry over time. Detail your answer based on each stage: introduction, growth, shakeout, maturity, and decline.(200 Words)

2.Describe a firm you think has been highly innovative. Which of the four types of innovation-radical, incremental, disruptive, or architectural-did it use? Did the firm use different types over time?(150 Words)

4.Much has been said about competitive advantage gained from innovations such as the Internet, high-technology gadgets, and apps. The chapter points out, however, that low-technology innovations such as the razor-razorblade business model can also create value with incremental innovation.

The chapter also noted that Dollar Shave Club (Strategy Highlight 7.1) is merely using a different business model to try to disrupt Gillette. Think of other low-technology innovations that are/were novel, useful, and successfully implemented so that the innovating firm gained a competitive advantage. Find information about the entrepreneurial story behind the innovation.(200 Words)

Chapter 8Rothaermel Text

1.When Walmart decided to incorporate grocery stores into some locations and created "supercenters," was this a business-level strategy of differentiation or a corporate strategy of diversification? Why? Explain your answer.(150 Words)

Chapter 9Rothaermel Text

1.The chapter identifies three governing mechanisms for strategic alliances: non-equity, equity, and joint venture. List the benefits and downsides for each of these mechanisms.(200 Words)

Chapter 10Rothaermel Text

3.The chapter notes that global strategy can change over time for a firm. MTV is highlighted as one example in Exhibit 10.7. Conduct a web search of a firm you know to be operating internationally and determine its current global strategy position. How long has the firm stayed with this approach? Can you find evidence it had a different global strategy earlier?(200 Words)


Rothaermel, F. T. (2017). Strategic management concepts (Custom 3rd ed.) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Chapter 11 Rothaermel Text

1.Why is it important for an organization to have alignment between its strategy and structure? (Make sure you peruse the journal articles on strategy/structure within the Endnotes before completing this question.) (200 Words)

2.The chapter describes the role of culture in the successful implementation of strategy. Consider an employment experience of your own or of someone you have observed closely (e.g., a family member). Describe to the best of your ability the values, norms, and artifacts of the organization.

What was the socialization process of embedding the culture? Do you consider this to be an example of an effective culture for contributing to the organization's competitive advantage? Why or why not? (400 Words)

Chapter 12 Rothaermel Text

1.How can a top management team lower the chances that key managers will pursue their own self-interests at the expense of stockholders? At the expense of the employees? At the expense of other key stakeholders? (200 Words)

2.The Business Roundtable has recommended that the CEO should not also serve as the chairman of the board. Discuss the disadvantages for building a sustainable competitive advantage if the two positions are held by one person. What are the disadvantages for stakeholder management? Are there situations where it would be advantageous to have one person in both positions? (300 Words)


Rothaermel, F. T. (2017). Strategic management concepts (Custom 3rd ed.) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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Operation Management: What are some drawbacks and risks to a broad generic
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