Assignment: Body Composition Reflection
Your assignment this week is to listen to or read the transcript of the "Maintenance Phase" podcast titled "Is Being Fat Bad For You?" (listener warning: this podcast has explicit language!). You are also to read the following website article in regards to understanding and modelling positive body image.
After listening to the podcast, reading the website article, and viewing your weekly lecture, respond to the following reflection questions.
A. What are some diseases associated with excess body fat? (Answer found in the lecture and textbook)
B. What are some diseases associated with a lack of body fat? (Answer found in the lecture and textbook)
C. Is the number on the scale (your weight) a good indicator of your overall health? Why or why not?
D. The BMI takes into account your height and your weight. What else could impact your overall health (hint: think back to the determinants of health from week 1 and listen to the podcast!).
E. Is being overweight (BMI of 25-29) bad for you? (Answer found in the podcast).
F. What is weight stigma? Why do people discriminate people in larger bodies? How can this stigma impact that person's overall health?