Q1. What are some current societal situations/examples that exist to prove that slavery has forever created a destructive/horrific hierarchy in the United States? Explain.
Q2. Related to the emphasis on family life is the role played by women, black and white, in Northup's narrative. In fact, females are among the most important characters in Twelve Years a Slave. How do women serve as a measure for the nature of slavery? Think about the women detailed in chapter 13 also.
Q3. Solomon Northup was a keen observer of human nature. Did his ability to discern people's character build solidarity with his fellow slaves or did his analytic skills to observe how others dealt with the reality of enslavement distance him from the slave community?
Q4. What roles do music and dance play in the lives of slaves?
Q5. Throughout this memoir, Northup does not include the full spelling of expletives (curse words), yet he does detail the gruesome punishments and conditions forced upon slaves, both male and female. Why do you think he chooses to censor the expletives? Does or doesn't this serve the memoir well?
Q6. Slavery is the cruelest form of capitalism. How has the institution of slavery created a harmful capitalistic society for present-day Americans? Can you think of examples where this is true?
Q7. How does slavery exist today? Give specific examples.