
What are solutions or considerations for the future how did


Select a current environmental science news story from a news source (internet and hard copy are both acceptable).

Read the article and consider the facts and the impact. Prepare a critique of not less than one page. Write the critique in two sections with the required elements as follows:

Section One:

· Summarize the article

· Clearly identify what is the environmental issue involved

· Include the 5 W's (who, what, where, when, why?)

· Include the date the article was published and the source from which it came (note: a copy of the article must be submitted with the assignment)

Section Two:

· Discuss the impact of the environmental issue identified in Section One on the community and/or society

· What are the possible outcomes?

· Why should we be aware of the situation?

· What are solutions or considerations for the future?

· How did your opinion change because of reading this article?

· Do you recommend that others read this article? Why?

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Dissertation: What are solutions or considerations for the future how did
Reference No:- TGS02450878

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