A. Explain each of the following inside the "Legislative Events and Issues" and discuss how your knowledge of each will impact your future professional endeavors.
B. How have following Lau v. Nichols, Castaneda v. Pickard, Flores v. Arizona, and Plyler v. Doe changed the rules and regulations governing language instruction in Arizona?
C. How have the following, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Title III, Title VI, and Office for Civil Rights/Department of Justice resolutions impacted accountability, evaluation, funding, and identification in Arizona's ELL education?
D. How have the following, Proposition 203, House Bill 2010, House Bill 2064, and SB1014 impacted language acquisition methods, student grouping, and the amount of time required to attain language proficiency?
E. What are two societal trends and issues now impacting the education of ELLs?