
What are several sources of error in conducting gram stains


i. What are the functions of pili in bacteria?

ii. What is the function of an endospore in some bacteria?

iii. Give an example of a disease-causing, spore-producing bacteria. How might this spore producer be introduced into the body?

iv. Where is genetic material located in bacteria?

v. Are all bacteria react to Gram staining? Why or why not? If not, list several examples that do not.

vi. Why is knowing whether a bacterium is Gram-positive or Gram-negative important in medicine?

vii. What are several sources of error in conducting Gram stains?

viii. How did the Gram-positive slides you made compare to the prepared Gram-positive slides?

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Biology: What are several sources of error in conducting gram stains
Reference No:- TGS03321926

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