
What are serial murders and mass murders how do these two


Review Questions

1. What are two of the different legal categories of homicide? Discuss each type and provide an example of a homicide that would fall under the category.

2. What is larceny? Provide an example of an act that would fall into this category of crime.

3. What are serial murders and mass murders? How do these two categories of crime differ?

4. What are the two different types of assaults? What is the difference between an assault and a homicide?

5. What is arson? Why is it difficult to obtain good statistics on arson?

Critical Thinking Questions

1. Statistics show that about two-thirds of individuals shoplift at some point in their lives. Why do you think so many people shoplift?

2. Although homicides represent a very small number of overall crimes, they are often focused on by the media. Why do you think this is the case? What consequences do you think that this has?

3. Based on the information and statistics from this unit and previous units, what do you think your likelihood is for being a victim of a property crime? What would increase or decrease your risk?

4. What are some of the issues with crime statistics for crimes like arson, burglary, and assaults? Why do you think more people don't report being victims of crimes?

5. With many of the crimes discussed in this unit, the victim and the perpetrator knew each other, at least to some degree. Why do you think that crimes are often committed against people that the perpetrator knows.

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Dissertation: What are serial murders and mass murders how do these two
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